Wowza i am! sorry!

hey bitch it's me! sorry for not posting last monday I was not at school and thus was not medicated and thus forgot this thing even existed! mb...

I daresay the horrors never stop! I've lost a many friend in 2023 and also there are people moving about in the classroom and to be honest? I hope they explode heart emoji. My school doesn't have a cafeteria, so they make us eat outside. When it rains we eat in the classroom. This sucks because I have no friends in my classes yayy yippee!!!

I cannot wait to get out of highschool I Swear To God if i have to be here any longer im gonna implode. Sigh. Does anybody else think power lines are hot?

really tho all of our streets are lined with wires like damn this really is the future huh. People just 60 years ago could not FATHOM twitter and yet. We have twitter... Truly a momument to the hubris of man.

i think that'll wrap up today's blogpost. Not much to talk about if i am being honest. Have a nice day reader don't drive into oncoming traffic like that one car did this morning.

