
Happy Valentines Day! I don't think I have a valentine but I like pink and red stuff so it's ok.

I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere on the aroace spectrum. I don't really get romance or what separates it from friendship. Where do you draw the line with that stuff? How many times can you kiss the homies before they're no longer homies? I don't know... This scares me

sorry that i haven't been updating this site! I am Tired! I need to make myself update this place more often. You guys deserve to see my horrid thoughts! Did i spell horrid right? I hope so!

I got my learners permit! for driving! I got it at the same time as a friend of mine so that's cool I guess! I don't like driving that much tho. Too much pressure. If you go too fast you put lives in danger and if you go too slow you're annoying. If you turn bad you die. Not my thing tbh. Unfortunatly i am American thus I must drive lest i be boiled alive.

I bought In Stars and Time last night! I'm really enjoying it so far. The battle system is really fun and the characters are good. I sure hope nothing bad happens to them! (clueless)

That's all for this post i think. Again sorry for the lack of updates! Have a nice day or night or whatever the fuck!

