
Hey bitch it's me. it's the forth of march isnt it. that's nice. somehow i'm passing all my classes despite doing fuck all, so that's neat i think. How are you dear reader? I'm doing.

The beginning of the year always sucks ass. lets ignore that for a bit and talk about ULTRAKILL!!!!!!! i think the most compelling part of the game's story is hell. It's like a gameshow host that exploits poor people for entertainment. Not the tumblr sexyman type of gameshow host but the kind where you can feel the grease radiating from their hair. Hole Dwelling by Kikuo is such a Hell and V1 song tbh.

my interpretation of v1 is different from most people's i think. I like to think that v1 is scared. It's so scared of dying that it ravages hell for any chance at prolonging it's doomed life. It kills with the desperate energy of a prey animal. This is in part inspired by how i feel when i ultrakill it up (stressed and desperate to not die). it also creates a neat contrast with hell (who makes this act of survival seem like just a silly game) and gabe (like. come on.)

i envy people who respect v2. I hate that fucker. i want that live action remake cash grab son of a bitch dead. you understand.

thats all for today. Bye gamers

